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Tariffs That Fit Your Business

  • Monthly
  • Yearly -20%


199 000 UZS / month

Best Value


349 000 UZS / month


599 000 UZS / month


2 388 000 UZS / year
2 149 000 UZS / year

Best Value


4 188 000 UZS / year
3 769 000 UZS / year


7 188 000 UZS / year
6 469 000 UZS / year

Get Quick Answers to Your Questions

Here we have collected answers to frequently asked questions from our customers
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To find the tariff that best meets your needs, please reach out to our consultants. They will assist you in assessing your business and selecting the most suitable tariff. You can get in touch with the consultants on Contacts page
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Boost your business with Punct, the trusted partner for success. Contact us today for a customized demo or a tailored quote!